Solvents Conditioning

pHix | Solvents Conditioning | Dry Cleaning | Stelco Chemicals International


pHix is an effective buffer for maintaining the neutrality of the solvent by scavenging any acid formed in the system, often due to solvent degradation. This is important as any acidity in the system can cause serious corrosion in the machine.

Available in 5L, 20L


Bacterialcide is an effective bacterial control agent for eliminating any bacteria in the cleaning system and helps to eliminate the presence of foul and unpleasant odours within the cleaned garments.

Available in 500mL, 5L

Deodouriser Q | Solvents Conditioning | Dry Cleaning | Stelco Chemicals International

Deodouriser Q

Deodouriser Q is added to the solvent via the button trap or the cage.  It is a highly concentrated perfume specifically designed for use in Perchloroethylene systems. Added through the button trap or cage Deodoriser Q will mask the most stringent of odours.

Available in 1L, 4L

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